Alternative Programs
High school principals may grant credit for, but are not limited to, the following alternative learning experiences in lieu of required or elective high school credits, provided the approval of the principal is obtained prior to a student's participation.
Off Campus / Out-of-District
In accordance with the WAC 180-50-300, the Central Valley School District may grant credit toward graduation for school planned learning experiences primarily conducted away from the facilities owned, operated or supervised by the district, or conducted primarily by individuals not employed by the district. School planned learning experiences such as, but not limited to, travel study, work study, private lessons and educational programs sponsored by governmental agencies may be accepted for credit upon compliance with established procedures. The proposal for alternative learning experience for credit shall be submitted to the building principal or his/her designee, who shall review, revise and approve or disapprove.
A written proposal for approval of out-of-district alternative learning activities shall be submitted to the building principal prior to the experience, shall be at no additional cost to the district, and shall include at least the following information:
- Name of the program;
- The objective(s) of the program;
- Description of how credits shall be determined;
- Content or outline of the program, including where and when teaching and/or major learning activities shall be conducted by school district certificated staff and/or instructional materials to be used;
- Length of time for which approval is desired, including beginning and ending dates within the school year;
- Description of how student performance shall e supervised, assessed, evaluated, and recorded by the certificated staff or by qualified school district employees under the direct supervision of the certificated staff;
- A description of intervention techniques and criteria for their use;
- Description of how student performance shall be assessed;
- Qualifications of instructional personnel; and
- Plans for evaluation of program
A list of approved programs shall be kept on file in the office of the assistant superintendent/director of secondary education. Reasons for approval or disapproval shall be communicated to those making the request.
Correspondence and College Courses
Principals may accept a maximum of one (1) credit for correspondence courses taken per year toward high school graduation requirements. Correspondence courses taken during the school year may be accepted for credit provided it fits the student's educational plan and the student is enrolled in a full schedule of classes. Approval, in writing, is required from the building principal/designee before the credit is earned and provided:
- The course fits the student's educational plan, but is not available in the school curriculum or that it is not possible for the student to take the course as a regular school or summer school enrollee.
- Courses are from approved schools as follows:
A. Schools are members of the National University Continuing Education Association or accredited by the National Home Study Council;
B. Community colleges, vocational/technical institutes, four year colleges, and universities, and state-approved private schools in the State of Washington and;
C. Other schools or institutions that are approved by the school district, after evaluation for a particular course offering.
The district's formula for converting college credits to high school credits follows:
A. A regular college course (generally designated 100 level or above) for which five quarter hours credit or three semester hours credit are earned shall be the equivalent of one high school credit except for community college high school completion programs (course work generally below the 100 level) where the district awards the diploma. Students enrolled in programs of study on a college campus for non-credit enrichment courses shall not be granted high school credit toward high school graduation.
B. Eleventh and twelfth grade students may apply to enroll in community college or technical college courses or programs under RCW 28A.600.310 and may receive both high school credit and college level credit.
Work Experience
Principals may grant credit for work experience. The building principal or his/her designee shall approve and direct work experience programs on the following basis:
- The work program shall be supervised by the school/district.
- The work experience shall be specifically related to the school program of the student.
- Credit given for work experience shall represent growth in the student, and the type of work done shall have definite educational value.
- The job in which experience is gained shall provide varied experiences.
- A work experience program shall be supplemented by an adequate program of guidance, placement, follow-up and coordination between job and school.
- Work experience, as a planned part of a school subject, may be included in the credit given for that subject.
- One work credit may be granted for not less than 405 hours of work experience related to a student's school program.
- A participating student must be legally employed and must have passed his/her 16th birthday.
- An employer's report of the student's work record indicating satisfactory progress on the job shall be filled with the school.
- The regular state apprenticeship program, in which the training is worked out cooperatively with the school and meets the standard for high school graduation, is acceptable.
- Work release approval must be applied for each trimester. Students who are enrolled as juniors and seniors may be released one period per day.
National Guard High School Career Training
Prior to a student's participation in a National Guard High School Career Training Program, s/he must, if they wish to receive high school credit (required or electives), present the appropriate forms to the principal for approval. The principal, by signing the forms, gives approval for the student's participation in the program and acceptance of the program for high school credit. The number of credits toward high school graduation shall be calculated and agreed upon by the student and the school district and indicated on the form. The National Guard Training Unit commander must certify completion of all program requirements before credit shall be granted. The building principal or his/her designee shall approve requests upon receipt of appropriate forms.
Summer School
High school courses taken during summer school after promotion from the eighth grade may be accepted for high school credit. Credit may be granted for high school courses completed before the student attended high school to the extent that the course work exceeded the requirements for seventh or eighth grade.